
Our experience and our restored works prove the high level of our craftsmanship. In our workshop, the restoration of stained glass windows is one of the aspects in which it is most reflected. We attach great importance to documentation and to making use of restoration techniques, the mastery of painting with enamels and grisailles, assembly, etc. We also have a large stock of “vintage” glass at our disposal.

We have restored many Modernist, “Noucentist”, as well as neogothic buildings, both public and private. As evidence, we cite the following historical patrimony restorations:

  • Lleó Morera House’ leadlights in Barcelona.
  • The stained glass windows of Sta. Rita chapel in Barcelona.
  • The skylight of Casal Pere Quart in Sabadell.
  • The folding screen of Alexandre de Riquer, Barcelona.
  • Former oratory of Tolrà Palace, Castellar del Vallès.
  • Apse of the church of Maria Immaculada in Barcelona.
  • Stairway’s leadlights in Sabadell’s athenaeum.
  • Ponsá house’s stained glass windows, Archivo Histórico de Sabadell.
  • Can Borrell gallery in Western Vallés.
  • The skylight and other leadlights from Arimón House in Sabadell.
  • Sabadell’s Central Market leadlights.
  • Doors and gallery from Montaner Palace in Barcelona.
  • East gallery from Güell Palace in Barcelona.
  • Many leadlights in the modernist building of the former Caixa Sabadell.
  • Stained glass window sets of Serra Pons House in La Garriga.
  • Terrasa’s City Council, plenary hall leadlights.
  • Stained glass window sets from the Terrasa’s Principal Theatre facade.
  • Among others.

Modernist leadlight from Euterpe restaurant in Sabadell

Leadlight before restoration

Before restoration

Leadlight after restoration

After restoration

Leadlight after restoration

After restoration

Some of our restorations

Restauració claraboia Art Decó

Restoration of the Ramon Montaner Manor’s stained glass works

Palau Ramon Montaner, carrer Mallorca 278 de Barcelona.

Va ser dissenyat a l’any 1889 per l’arquitecte Josep Domènech i Estapà. Per bé que la decoració i els acabats, d’estil modernista, foren obra de Lluís Domenech i Montaner.

A l’any 2006 varem tindre l’oportunitat de restaurar part dels vitralls que vesteixen les obertures del palau.

Vitralls de l’entrada

Vitrall del conjunt de l’escala principal

Vitrall d’una porta interior

Alguns dels vitralls de la galeria

Restoration of some of the Lleó Morera’s Manor Leadlights (Barcelona)

In 1983 we restored the leadlights from the main stair and from the galleries of the main floor and second floor.

Main stair.
Leadlights before and after resotration.

Main floor.
We worked on most leadlight of the interior gallery except for the door to the courtyard.

Segundo piso.
We restored the central leadlight, and some others to a lesser degree.

Can Borrell Manor’s gallery

The stained-glass windows and the gallery of the Can Borrell Manor (Castellar del Vallès) are from the reform that was realized in 1912 by the architect Juli Batllevell.

In 1989 we restored them.

We show you images of the gallery and the restoration.

Images of the restoration of one of the sets (Lower and upper pieces) that dress the openings of the gallery.

At the entrance door the window was missing and a reproduction was made following the pattern of the other stained-glass windows. Having material of the time, the piece was almost identical.

Exterior views of the gallery and its stained glass windows.

The stained-glass windows of the chapel of the manor also went through the restoration process.

Restoration of a rosette from Cervià de les Garrigues

The sequences of this work.

Posted by L'Art del Vitrall on divendres, 8 / abril / 2016

Casal Pere Quart’s skylight in Sabadell

In December 2015 we carried out works of conservation in a skylight.
In these two photos you can see the skylight nowadays.

We restord this skylight in 1986.
In this report we show you how did we find the panels and how they were once restored.

Palau Güell, Barcelona

Restoration of the stained glass works of the east corridor of the noble plant.
Year 2008.


Fifteen openings, with a total of 821 glasses, 14 glasses of half cane that cover the columns and 13 red tears on the top.

First phase:

-Previous studies and restoration project.
-Photos of the state of the glass, of the “mastic” and of the metallic structure.

Second phase:

-Set up the workshop at the work,
-research of the glasses for the restoration ( Germany, Italy, United States, China and Spain),
-cut of the absent glass, unsuitable or very damaged originals,
-take out very carefully all the old “mastic”,
-place the new pieces of glass,
-do with new “mastic” the inner and outside cords,
-in depth cleaning of all the glasses.

Third phase:


Half cane glasses that cover the stone columns.
-Withdraw the glasses removing the “mastic” with extreme care.
-Reproduce the broken or non-existent glasses.
-Cleaning of these glasses.
-Protect both borders with lead bands.
-Return into place.

Fourth phase:

Thirteen red tears at the top.
-Withdraw the existent tears.
-Restore and redo the absent.
-Return into place.

Fifth phase:

Restoration finished
Several inner and external views

Arimon Manor from Sabadell – Restoration of main stairway’s stained glass works

Stained glass restoration

Gilding of the lead structure with gold leaves

Stained glass before and after restoration

Alcove stained glass restoration. Church of Maria Immaculada, Barcelona

Alcove’s leadlight’s state before restoration.

Restoration process.

Restored stained glass work.

Before and after.

Palau Tolrà’s oratory stained glass’ restorations. Castellar del Vallès

Stained glass works, restored and returned to their origin.

The pieces as they arrived to the workshop.

Resoring the old pieces with new lead. Some of the glasses were missing or broken.